
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Free Stuff

Click HERE, to request a Free copy of the Bible.  I already have half a dozen but I will certainly donate it or give it to someone I come across who may need one. 

I came across an article the other day of a very wealthy man.  His son was graduating from college.  He called his son into his office to have a talk with him.  He sat him down and said son, I thought long and hard about a gift to give you.  I wanted it to be something that would take you far in life.  He handed his son a gift.   Inside was a Bible.  The son flew hot, he said A Bible?  Out of all you could have given me, I get a Bible?!?!?  Not money, not a new car!  He looked at his father and said, I will never speak to you again.  If this is how you do your own son, your own flesh and blood.  He sat the box with the Bible enclosed, back on his father's desk and stormed out.

Well many years went by, and the son got a phone call that his father had passed away.  He went to his child hood home, he walked into his fathers office and after all these years the bible still sat where he had left it.  He picked it up, and started reading the bible.  After about an hour of reading on a blank page in the bible his father had written him a note.

It said My dearest Son, I love you and I am so very proud of you.  You will go far in life.  You will have riches and wealth beyond your best dreams.  You will be able to conquer the world if that's what you please, because you have taken the time and found it in your heart to put GOD first.  I know that if you have found this note, you have done just that. Please open the top right hand drawer on my desk.  Love, DAD!

Inside the drawer was and envelope, enclosed was a set of keys to a brand new car and a check for 100 Thousand Dollars, the check and title to the car was dated with the date of the sons graduation.  He immediately started to cry because he then realized that if he had put his greed aside, put God First, he not only would have had God in his life, but a realationship with his father.

Brings Tears to My eyes!  Remember yesterday was the past, tomorrow is the future which is not promised and today is a GIFT that's why it's the present.  Never miss a moment and never forget to let someone know how much they mean to you. 


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