
Sunday, September 5, 2010

♥ Savvy Sunday Scripture ♥

Many times in my life I have been faced with helping others, whether it be cooking dinner, babysitting, cutting grass, giving someone advice, a much needed hug or money to someone in need. I know that each time they are a test from God, and he hopes I will do the right thing.

I know that I haven’t always done the right thing. I have given with regret, I have judged, but I know God doesn’t expect me to be perfect or always do the right thing. God wants us to help others, he wants us to help provide for the poor and less fortunate. God is doing stuff in the world, but so much of what he does in the world requires that we join him. That we give of ourselves. Of course, there are things that God wants to do in the world that aren't going to happen, Unless each of us take part, work together to join forces in helping. And God does not mind enlisting us in giving ourselves and calling us to give of ourselves or even make sacrifices, because that is how God is himself.

When he asks us to give, when he asks us to sacrifice, he is asking us to become more like him, because God is a giver. God has given us everything. God has given us life. God has given us a restored relationship with himself. God has given us forgiveness for our sins. God gives to us constantly. If we ask for wisdom, God gives us wisdom. If we ask for power, he gives us power in ministry. He gives us material things when we need them. He gives us peace. In fact, every good thing we receive in life no matter what channel it comes through, every good thing ultimately is given by God.

 God is the giver of every good and perfect gift. God gives. And so that means that as we look at this issue of giving, we've got to recognize that there is no higher calling in life. There is no worthier goal than to be like God, and part of being like God is giving like God gives.

Helping the poor brings some of the greatest promises of blessings in the entire Bible. Two outstanding promises are given to us because we help the poor.

 That the Lord our God will Bless us in all of our works and all that we put our hands an thoughts unto. (Deut 15:10)

Think of it. Giving to the poor guarantees blessings in "all our works". Giving to the poor guarantees blessings in "all we put our hands unto" .

We at Savvy, focus on paying it forward. We make a point to give all our extra’s and more to the needy in our town. Anything that we can purchase, that ends up being free or almost free, we get. Even if it is something that we wouldn’t use, we get it, because someone else who is less fortunate than myself will need it.

I recently heard on the news about a women in New York, who was standing on a street corner with a group of friends, a homeless man walked up and asked her for money. She looked at him and said, “Can I trust you?” he said “Yes, Yes you can”. She handed him her American Express Card and told him to go get what he needed. About a half hour later he came back. Thanked her, told her he spent $25 and some change. He bought himself lunch, deodorant and personal items, laundry detergent and a laundry card with just enough to wash and dry the clothes he was wearing. How heart warming was that?

Would you have done that, could you have done that? God presents us with trials each day, remember in those times to think like God and be like God. The blessings you give today will be your blessings tomorrow.


Holly :)

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