
Sunday, August 29, 2010

♥ Savvy Sunday Scripture ♥

When Money Has Power...

Acts 16:19-21 When the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities.  They brought them before the magistrates and said, "These men are Jews, and are throwing our city into an uproar by advocating customs unlawful for us Romans to accept or practice."

You can hurt people in many ways, but when you hurt people in the pocketbook, people get all riled up. People get all riled up about money issues because people worship money. We may not want to admit we worship money. However, when our pocketbook is affected, we tend to take notice, stand up, and take action. Political fortunes rise and fall on the economy. In our modern world, we need money to survive. So when income is taken away, what takes away our income grabs our attention. To lead a more godly and devout spiritual life, we must make every effort to leave out money issues. Money issues will cloud our judgement, and make us do and say what we might never do or say otherwise. Paul and Silas were taken to court not just because they were throwing the city into an uproar, but because the owners of the slave girl lost any hope of making money from the slave girl's fortune telling. In our own time, selling sin and selling sinful practices generates billions of dollars for sin merchants.

Whenever the Christian faith stands in the way of sin merchants making money, the sin merchants will attack the faith. One way of Satan's attack upon our faith is taking down the icons of our faith that stand in the way of the sin merchants making their money. You may have heard the phrase, "follow the money". If you "follow the money" when you see what is happening in the world, eventually you will determine who is the sin merchant and who is truly righteous.

Should you allow money to have power over you , or are you going to have power over it?  As christians, who live frugally, we have the knowlege to have power over it.  God has provided us with a means to change our lives, with a simple piece of paper with a barcode printed on it.  I will admit that I have at times allowed money to effect my decisions, but with something so small, you can change the way the world see's you, as well as, how it see's itself.  It only takes one person to make a difference.  Is that one person you? 

This week, instead of focusing on money and the things you don't have.  Try focusing on God, and all the blessings you do have.

Holly :)


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